Sunday, January 14, 2007

Liberty Christian Fellowship

Top Rating *****

Today was at least my twelfth visit over the past four years to this warm-hearted group of dedicated Christians, meeting on Millbrook Avenue two blocks south of Mckinley Avenue in Fresno, California, who worship and minister faithfully to each other and their community.

Pastors Joseph and Catherine Thornton are always encouraging, listien with focused interest to what you're saying, and are a model of what sincere love and effective pastoral shepherding is all about.

They carefully teach the love and doctrine of God, the Father, Who created the universe, Who nurtures and supplies needs, and Who gives the gift of the Holy Spirit to the sincere seeker in Christ.

They teach a sound Christology (doctrine of Jesus Christ) with no cultic defects, and correctly present Jesus Christ as mankind's Savior Who gave Himself up to be crucified for the propitiation of Man's sin, and Who, in His Resurrection, conquered sin, death, hell, the grave, and Satan. And from Whom, those who cling to Him, receive mental, physical, and relational healiing, and the (necessary for ministry) baptism in the Holy Spirit.

Liberty Christian Fellowship holds to a sound Pneumatology (doctrine of the Holy Spirit). And the pastors, the capable and reverent worship musicians, elders, and all the "brothers and sisters in Christ" (from those just taking their spiritual baby steps--to the spiritually mature) minister in the Spirit's comfort, empowerment, and wisdom.

A banner hangs over the door in the back of the beautiful sanctuary which reads, "This is a House of Restoration."

And I did find this to be an evening of restorative healing. After the service, we gathered in the front and prayed for each other to be healed in body and soul. There was earnest prayer for loved ones who did not know Christ and for healing of family relationships.

The Lord was present. There were tears of gratitude, joy, release, forgiveness, and realization of Christ, the Great Physician's, healing touch.

In my visiting of churches over the years I have often longed for an experience like today's at Liberty Christian Fellowship--often desired such authenticity in sincere kindness, friendliness, empathy, and meaningful ministry.

I pray that any Christian ministry which doesn't enjoy the 'seven characteristics of life' in the Life of the Spirit may soon yield to The Perfect Gentleman, God, the Holy Spirit, and to the breath of spiritual life He brings to any humble and sincerely-seeking congregation.

Copyright 2007 by Soren All Rights Reserved


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