Thou Shalt not Think: If You Meet Buddha On the Road
"Thou Shalt Not Think..Is Emergent Revivalism Turning Eastward...?"
The 3 'Waves' of "Revival' each make 'leader statements' and 'culture statements'--Toronto--Pensacola--Lakeland.
While we pray for conversions to Christ, for the afflicted to be healed by our Great Physician, we are also (not 'paranoid' but) sober and vigilant regarding any 'revivalistc' form of new religious movement--in light of the warnings (Hebrews) against apostasy and falling away from the Gospel (Galatians 1) of Jesus Christ.
I think, initially observing and listening to the 'leader statements' of each religious movement is probably the most important thing to do--with Bible in hand.
For example, in the Book of Acts, we learn the principle: "As the leaders go--so go the people." Study the leader fairly but carefully.
But it is also important to study the cultural, tribal, sociological, and psychological presentation. We can observe, for example in Lakeland, a 'cultural manifestation'--and within culture--various 'tribal statements'...being made
Why shouldn't the thoughful, prayerful evaluator be alert to demagoguery when it is present--to crowd-manipulation, to group think, and any form of brainwashing--when it presents itself..?
Musically...Reflective Worship Music which is melodious, harmonious, beautiful (e.g. like the 'urban gospel' stylings of the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir or Christ Church, Nashville Choir) are absent--in Toronto, in Pensacola, in Lakeland. Latter Rain revivalism features the tribal frenzy of indoctrination, keep-em movin' (not very skilled) Rock--and a pitifully-obese man-in-black kid--playing a tiny Wal-Mart-special-from gramma guitar. Aggravating, embarrassing--even boring.
Refledtion... isn't welcomed in mass indoctrination atmospheres. Because 'reflection' deflects 'thought reform' techniques--and heightens discernment, logic, evaluation, and consideration of what is going on.
Reflective "weighing" of what is going on is necessary (according to Paul in 1 Corinthians) but cannot easlily be done in a manicky, pressured-speech, frenetic 'brainwashing' atmosphere of chanting, jumping, adrenaline-pumping, glandular-galloping repetition. (Is this 'vain repetion as the heathen do'..?) Watch the Lakeland phenomenon on GOD TV. The manicky millenial warm-up jumping homonally back and forth across the stage--agitated--with Food Fight pressured speech--perseverating breathlesly--chanting a pseudo-song off-key--is a disturbed person--not a 'worship leader', I'm afraid.
Are televangelists, Emergent Church leaders, and Third Wave Revivalists all swerving into advocacy of some form of Eastern Mysrtical Irrationality..?
'The main 'commandment' of Buddhism is: Thou Shalt Not Think.
Buddhism, Buddhist ideation, and Eastern Mysticism has significantly influenced the Emergent Church Movement, in my opinion.
Anti-evaluative 'koens', the banning of logical thinking, striving toward a 'non-judgmental', quasi-'right-brained' listening-for-the-sound-of-one-hand-clapping constitutes a buddhistic thought-reform approach.
In essence, the musical chanting, breathing, jumping styles of some aspects of Buddhism have been incorporated--via New Age Seattle Grunge--and masqueraded as Emergent Church paradigm-shifting.
Are other Eastern Mysticism influences also seen in some of Todd Bentley's kundalini' resonances and implications..?
(excerpt: unpublished work-in-progress):
Thou Shalt Not Think: Is Emergent Church Revivalism Turning Eastward...?
Copyrigh 2008 by Philip C. Brewer All Rights Reserved
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